In our community, hundreds of animals each year are abandoned, mistreated, or left to fend for themselves. The VRHS offers several different memberships. The fees are used to help keep the doors to our shelter open. Support for our organization comes mostly from private donations from people like you.
Your membership fees will help a great deal!
Consider becoming a member…Your gift can provide neglected and abused animals with shelter, food, medical care, kindness, and a chance to find a forever home!
YOU CAN JOIN ONLINE!!! The different options for membership are listed below:
Please encourage your animal-loving friends, relatives, and neighbors to join the Valley River Humane Society and
send your membership donation to: Valley River Humane Society, P.O. Box 658, Murphy, NC 28906
Remember, the VRHS is a non-profit organization under section 501(C) (3) so that your DONATIONS can be tax-deductible.